Monday, May 19, 2008

Down to 2 weeks

We are down to 2 weeks as of tomorrow. I worked with Armin (Armin and Marion Tapestry) this weekend at the Primavera bazaar. Well, actually, I worked Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Drew worked for me on Sunday because it became obvious on Saturday that Sofia and I were sick. She ran a fever for 2 days. She is better today although still cranky. I will hopefully be better tomorrow. We will see. Armin was very glad it was Drew and not me on Sunday since Drew has the muscles and helped load all the tapesties back in the truck.

Derrick has informed everyday how many days he has left of school. 7 1/2 days. He is thrilled! They are also excited about my birthday this weekend b/c it means CAKE!We will be going to the winery, Bessich, down the street, this weekend. They are having their annual party. Glad we didn't plan a trip this weekend. I wouldn't have wanted to miss that! They throw a great party- complete with an Italian Country Western Band. Crazy as it sounds, they're not too bad.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Hope you guys have a safe and uneventful trip to Hawaii. Looking forward to visiting you guys sometime in the next 3 years.

